Worship Service Archive
Click on a date to view the recorded service:
03/26/2025 Pastor Sarah: Holden Evening Prayer
2/20/2022: Guest Pastor Blaine MacNeil: Sermon on the Plain 2
2/13/2022: Guest Pastor Blaine MacNeil: Sermon on the Plain
2/6/2022: Guest Pastor Blaine MacNeil: Taking off the Blinders
1/30/2022: Guest Pastor Blaine MacNeil: The Healing Wounds of Jesus
1/23/2022: Guest Pastor Blaine MacNeil: Jesus’ Inaugural Address
1/16/2022: Guest Pastor Blaine MacNeil: Water into Wine
1/9/2022: Guest Pastor Blaine MacNeil: Cousins Together Again: John and Jesus
12/26/2021: Pastor Sarah Carlstrom: “A Picture of a New Creation” (meet NCLC Call Candidate)
12/19/2021: Guest Pastor Randy Freund: “The Upward Look”
9/26/2021: Guest Pastor Blaine MacNeil: “Because we Bear the Name of Christ”
9/19/2021: Guest Pastor Blaine MacNeil: “Who among us is the Greatest?”
8/29/2021: Pastor Linda Nicklason: “Be Prepared”
6/20/2021: Guest Pastor Ethan Fearing “Sibling Rivalry”
6/13/2021: Pastor Linda Nicklason: “Seeds in God’s Hand”
4/11/2021: Pastor Linda Nicklason: “Trust the Light”
1/10/2021: Pastor Randy Freund: “Home By Another Way”
6/14/2020: Pastor Randy Freund: “Wise as Serpents and Innocent as Doves”
6/7/2020: Pastor Linda Nicklason: “Total Security”
6/7/2020: Pastor Linda Nicklason: “Total Security”
4/12/2020: Easter Sunday -Pastor Linda Nicklason